Anub´Rekhan - Pauldrons of Unnatural Death (Shoulders)
Anub´Rekhan/Faerlina/Noth/Instructor/Patchwerk - Sand-Worn Band (Finger)
Grand Widow Faerlina - Callous-Hearted Gauntlets (Hands)
Maexxna - Bindings of the Hapless Prey (Wrist)
Maexxna - Ablative Chitin Girdle (Waist)
Heigan the Unclean - Breastplate of Tormented Rage (Chest)
Loatheb - Greaves of Turbulence (Leggs)
Gothik the Harvester - Helm of Vital Protection (Head)
Sapphiron - Rune of Repulsion (Trinket)
Kel´Thuzad - Last Laugh (1H Weapon)
Kel´Thuzad - Wall of Terror (Shield)
Itemy ktore mi chybaju 25
26.04.2010 10:54:30